Exercising implementation of right to plea for reciprocal contract is an important institution in implementation of reciprocal contract, which is of great significance to balance interests of the two parties and trade order. 双务合同履行抗辩权制度,作为双务合同履行中的重要制度,对于平衡双方当事人利益,维护交易秩序具有重要意义。
According to the social exchange theory, the interaction between individual and organization is based on the reciprocal benefit, the both sides possibly form the social contract, and whether trusting each other is pivotal to maintain this contract. 根据社会交换理论,组织中成员与组织之间的互动关系是基于互惠的基础,双方可能形成社会性契约,维系这个契约的关键在于成员与组织之间是否彼此信任。
Through the moral position of natural objects, anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism try to verify whether mankind has direct obligations to nature, which is a concept of reciprocal exchanges between rights and obligations based upon Social Contract Theory. 人类中心主义和非人类中心主义从自然存在物的道德地位入手,来证明人是否有对自然存在物的直接的道德义务,这是一种权利和义务对等交换的社会契约论的思维模式。
Several Noticeable Problems in Exercising Implementation of Right to Plea for Reciprocal Contract 行使双务合同履行抗辩权时应注意的几个问题
Employing the long-term implicit reciprocal contract of the traditional Chinese society, the paper explains that to the deviated impact of reputation, the whole social structure tends to converge to an ultrastable state. 利用中国传统社会长期隐性互惠合约,说明了对于声誉偏离的冲击和整个社会结构具有趋向于超稳定状态的趋势。
Tourists mainly to pay the charges for package tours, bound by reciprocal obligations to comply with the contract, agreed to have access to services, alternative, any lifting of the right. 旅游者主要有支付旅游费用、遵守合同约束等义务,享有获得约定服务、替代、任意解除的权利。
The effective restrains of the people in the game includes the restrains of mutual reciprocal, also includes the restriction of penalty if one breaks a contract. 局中人之间的有效约束既包括互惠互利的约束,也包括在违约后的可置信惩罚的制约。